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User Interface Overview

User Interface Overview

The Chat2DB window consists of a menu bar, a shortcut bar, a view, a toolbar, a navigation bar, a workspace containing one or more editors and views, and a status bar:


Menu Bar

By default, the menu bar contains the following menus:

  • The Chat2DB Pro menu contains menu items for Restart and Exit.

  • The Edit menu contains global commands for the active element, such as Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Undo and Redo operations.

  • The View menu contains menu items for Refresh, Zoom in and out, Zoom view, Fullscreen operations.

  • The Help menu contains links to the Official Website, Documentation, and menu items for checking the Log and Console.


The toolbar contains the most basic buttons for Create Database Connection, Refresh, Locate.

For more information, see Using Toolbar (opens in a new tab)

View Database Explorer

The Database Explorer displays the structure of the database, including tables, views, stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc., and can also connect to various databases.

For more information, see Database Resource Management (opens in a new tab)


Navigation Bar

The navigation bar contains the following items:

  1. Personal Information: Represents personal information or account settings. After clicking, you can view and edit your personal information, such as avatar, user name, etc., and change passwords or other related settings. For more information about personal information, see Personal Information (opens in a new tab)

  2. Workspace: The workspace is a window where you can interact with files and database content.

  3. Dashboard: The dashboard provides an overview view of key performance indicators and other important information. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose different types of dashboards to get charts of different shapes. For more information about dashboards, see Dashboard (opens in a new tab)

  4. AI Chat: AI Chat may refer to the function of interacting with an artificial intelligence assistant. You can ask SQL questions, seek help, or get relevant information here.

  5. Plugin: Plugins allow you to extend the functionality of the application. By installing and enabling various plugins, you can customize the application according to your needs to meet specific requirements. For more information about specific plugins, see Plugin (opens in a new tab)

  6. Global Refresh: The global refresh button is used to update the content of the entire page. You can use this feature when you want to reload all data.

  7. Notification: The notification icon shows the number of unread messages. Click the icon to view various notifications from the application, such as new features, reminders, etc.

  8. Feedback: The feedback feature enables you to send comments or report issues to developers. This helps improve the quality of products and services. For more information on feedback, see Submit Feedback (opens in a new tab)

  9. Upgrade: The Upgrade button is used to upgrade your membership plan. By upgrading your membership plan, you can enjoy higher service levels and features, such as more database connections, more storage space, etc. For more information about upgrading membership, please refer to Subscription Plan (opens in a new tab)

Shortcut Bar

The shortcut bar carries shortcuts for Table Information, Execution SQL Log, Saved Console, and Export Progress.

"info" "savedSql"

Save Console shortcut keys:

win: Ctrl + S

mac: Command⌘ + S

For more Save Console information, see Save Console Information (opens in a new tab)

"savedConsole" "exportProgress"


The editor is the window where you can interact with files and database contents. Multiple views and editors can be open in a workspace at the same time, but only one can be active at a time.

Both table views and editors can be displayed as separate windows or tabs, stacked with other views/editors in a tabbed window. The following image shows the title bar of a tabbed window. To see a list of hidden tabs, click the ⬇️ icon, and the list will become visible and searchable.


For more information, see Using Workspace (opens in a new tab)

Query Console

New Console shortcuts:

win: Ctrl + Shift + L

mac: Command⌘ + Shift + L

Read, write, and run SQL code using the Query Console.


To close a view or editor, click the Close button, or right-click the view/editor's title bar and click one of the options on the context menu (they vary depending on the window's configuration):

  • Close: Closes the active window or tab in a tabbed window.
  • Close Others: (For editors and views that appear as tabs in a tabbed window) - Closes all tabs in the current tabbed window except the active tab.
  • Close All: Closes all tabs in a tabbed window (closes the window).

Data Editors and Viewers

Use the Data Editor to sort, filter, add, edit, and delete data for database objects, CSV files, and query results.


You can resize the Table View window. To resize, place the cursor on the window border until it changes to a double-ended arrow, then click and drag the edge to the desired size.

Query Results Tab

Execute SQL shortcut keys:

win: Ctrl + R

mac: Command⌘ + R

View the result set of a query in the Service Tool Window Results tab.


Status Bar

The right portion of the status bar at the bottom of the main window displays the progress of the most recent export. Click Export Progress in the shortcut bar and click Show all to open it.
